********************************** Welcome to PyAFBF's documentation! ********************************** The Package PyAFBF is intended for the simulation of rough anisotropic image textures. Textures are sampled from a mathematical model called the anisotropic fractional Brownian field. Some texture examples are shown below on the patchwork. .. image:: ./Figures/patchwork.png .. note:: The anisotropic fractional Brownian field was introduced in :cite:p:`Bonami2003` and further studied in several works :cite:p:`Bierme08-ESAIM,Richard-2017,Richard-2016,Richard-2015b,Richard-2015,Richard-2010,Vu2020`. It was applied for the modeling and the analysis of medical images :cite:p:`Bierme10-Springer,Bierme09-ESAIM,Richard-2010,Richard-2015b,Richard-2016` or photographic films :cite:p:`Richard-2017` . The simulation method was designed in :cite:`Bierme-2015-TBM`. Package features ================ - Simulation of rough anisotropic textures, - Computation of field features (semi-variogram, regularity, anisotropy indices) that can serve as texture attributes, - Random definition of simulated fields, - Extensions to related fields (deformed fields, intrinsic fields, heterogeneous fields, binary patterns). Installation from sources ========================= The package source can be downloaded from the `repository `_. To install the package, write the following commands in the root directory where the package was downloaded: .. code-block:: python python setup.py install or pip install -e . After installation, the package can be tested by running .. code-block:: python python tests/TestAll.py If no output appears, then the package is correctly installed. Communication to the author =========================== PyAFBF is developed and maintained by Frédéric Richard. For feed-back, contributions, bug reports, contact directly the `author `_, or use the `discussion `_ facility. Citation ======== When using PyAFBF, please cite the original paper :cite:`Bierme-2015-TBM`. Licence ======= PyAFBF is under licence GNU GPL, version 3. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Contents: ./quickstartguide.rst ./auto_examples/index.rst ./field.rst ./classes.rst ./glossary.rst ./refs.rst ****************** Indices and tables ****************** * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`