API: auxiliary classes¶
Code author: Frédéric Richard <frederic.richard_at_univ-amu.fr>
Periodic functions (perfunction)¶
(ftype='step-smooth', param=0, fname='noname')¶ Bases:
This class handles \(\pi\)-periodic positive parametric functions.
The available function representations are
the representation in a Fourier basis,
a representation by step functions,
a representation by smoothed step functions.
In the Fourier representation, the function is defined as
\[f(t) = a_0 + \sum_{m=1}^M a_{m, 1} \cos(2mt)+a_{m, 2} \sin(2mt),\]where \(a_0\) and \(a_{m, k}\) are real parameters.
A step function is defined as
\[f(t) = a_0 \left( \delta_{[-\frac{\pi}{2}, \psi_1)}(t) + \delta_{[\psi_{M+1}, \frac{\pi}{2})}(t) \right) + \sum_{m=1}^M a_i \delta_{[\psi_i, \psi_{i+1})}(t),\]where \(a_i\) are non-negative parameters, and \(\psi_i\) are ordered angles in \([-\frac{\pi}{2}, \frac{\pi}{2})\).
The definition of step functions can be adapted to include smooth transitions between intervals where the function is constant.
Representations are defined by an expansion of the form
\[f(t) = \sum_{m=0}^M \alpha_m B_m(t)\]for some coefficients \(\alpha_m\) and basis functions \(B_m\).
- Example
Definition of a function using the Fourier representation with \(M=3\) (i.e. 7 coefficients).
from afbf import perfunction f1 = perfunction('Fourier', 3, 'Fourier') f1.Display(1)
- Example
Definition of a function with three steps.
from afbf import perfunction f2 = perfunction('step', 3, 'step function') f2.Display(2)
- Example
Definition of a smooth function with two steps.
from afbf import perfunction f3 = perfunction('step-smooth', 2, 'smooth step function') f3.Display(3)
- Example
Definition of a step function with a ridge.
from afbf import perfunction f4 = perfunction('ridge-step', 1, 'ridge function') f4.Display(4)
- Parameters
fname (str) – Name of the function.
ftype (str) –
Type of the function representation. Some predefined type are available:
’step’: step function.
’step-constant’: constant function.
’step-ridge’: a step function with ridges.
’step-smooth’: smooth step function.
’Fourier’: Fourier representation.
fparam (ndarray) – Representation parameters \(\alpha_m\).
finter (ndarray) – Interval bounds \(\psi_i\) for a step function.
steptrans (boolean) – True if there are transitions between step.
trans (int) – indicate where step transitions are on even or odd intervals ({0, 1}).
basis (ndarray) – an array where values of the mth basis function \(B_m\) of the representation are on the mth row.
t (ndarray) – positions at which to evaluate the function.
stats (ndarray) – Basics statistics; min, max, mean, median of the function.
dev (ndarray) – Measures of deviations of the function; standard deviation, absolute deviations to the mean and to the median.
sharpness (ndarray) – Measures of sharpness computed on discrete function derivative (discrete tv-norm, maximum of absolute discrete derivative).
smode – Simulation mode of a step function (see SetStepSampleMode).
translate (float) – Translation to be applied to the function (defaut to 0).
rescale (float) – Factor of a rescaling to be applied to the function.
Constructor method.
Define a positive periodic function with a specific representation.
- Parameters
ftype (str) –
A predefined function representation among - ‘step’, - ‘step-constant’, - ‘step-ridge’, - ‘step-smooth’, - and ‘Fourier’.
The default is ‘step-smooth’.
param (int (, optional)) – The number of parameters. Default to 0.
fname (str (, optional)) – The name of the function. Default ‘noname’.
(translate=None, rescale=None)¶ Apply translation and/or rescaling transform to the function.
- Parameters
translate (float) – Translation.
rescale (float) – scaling factor (must be positive).
- Returns
Attributes translate, rescale.
(fparam=None, finter=None)¶ Change parameters of the function while keeping its representation.
If parameters are not given, the parameters are changed at random.
()¶ Check the validity of the periodic function.
- Returns
True if attributes are properly defined.
- Return type
(m=10000)¶ Compute some features describing the function.
- Parameters
m (int, optional) – Number of discrete positions to evaluate the function. Default to 10000.
- Returns
Precision of the evaluation.
- Rtypes
- Returns
Attributes stats, dev, sharpness.
()¶ Compute basis functions of the Fourier representation.
- Returns
Attribute basis.
()¶ Compute basis functions of a representation by a step function at positions given in attribute t.
- Returns
Attribute basis.
(nfig=1)¶ Plot the graph of the function.
- Parameters
nfig (int, optional) – The index of the figure. Default to 1.
(t=None)¶ Evaluate the function at some positions.
- Parameters
t (ndarray, optional.) – Positions at which the function is computed.
- Returns
Attribute values.
If parameter t is omitted, the function is evaluated at points of the previous call of the function.
(mode='init', M=3)¶ Define or update the Fourier representation of a periodic function.
- Parameters
mode (str, optional) – The utilisation mode (‘init’, ‘update’). Use the ‘init’ mode to set the function representation at random (default), or ‘update’ to change its parameters at random. The default is ‘init’.
M (int, optional) – M * 2 + 1 is the number of Fourier coefficients. The default is 3.
- Returns
Attribute fparam.
(ftype='step-constant', mode='init', M=2)¶ Define or update a step function at random.
- Parameters
ftype (str, optional) – The type of step function. (‘step’,’step-constant’,’step-ridge’,’step-smooth’). The default is ‘step-constant’.
mode (str, optional) – The utilisation mode (‘init’, ‘update’). The default is ‘init’.
M (int, optional) – Number of steps. The default is 2.
- Returns
Attributes fparam, finter.
()¶ Sample the Fourier coefficients.
- Returns
Attribute fparam.
(k=- 1)¶ Sample constants within (0, 1).
- Parameters
k (int, optional) – index where to put the minimal value. The default is -1.
- Returns
Attribute fparam.
The simulation of the step constants depends on the attribute smode:
- smode[0]=’unif’:
step values are sampled from a uniform distribution on (smode[1], smode[2]).
- smode[0]=’unifmin’:
the minimal step value is sampled from a uniform distribution on (smode[1], smode[2]).
- smode[0]=’unifrange’:
the step value range is sampled from a uniform distribution on (0, smode[2] - smode[1]).
The mode of simulation can be changed using SetStepSampleMode.
()¶ Sample interval bounds of a step function.
- Returns
The index of the interval whose size is uniformly sampled.
- Return type
The simulation of the step constants depends on the attribute smode:
- smode[3]=’unif’:
the bounds are uniformly sampled over the interval (-pi/2, pi/2).
- smode[3]=’nonunif’:
the bounds are sampled so that the size of one of them is uniformly sampled.
smode[4] is a minimal interval size.
The mode of simulation can be changed using SetStepSampleMode.
(mode_cst='unif', a=0, b=1, mode_int='unif', d=0)¶ Set the simulation mode for sampling parameters of a step function.
- Parameters
mode_cst (str, optional) –
The mode of simulation of constants \(a_m\):
- if mode_cst = ‘unif’:
step values are sampled from a uniform distribution on (a, b).
- if mode_cst = ‘unifmin’:
the minimal step value is sampled from a uniform distribution on (a, b).
- if mode_cst = ‘unifrange’:
the step value range is sampled from a uniform distribution on (a, b).
The default is ‘unif’.
a (float, optional) – lower bound. The default is 0.
b (float, optional) – upper bound. The default is 1.
mode_int (str, optional) –
The mode of simulation of interval bounds \(\psi_m\):
- if mode_int=’unif’:
the bounds are uniformly sampled over the interval (-pi/2, pi/2).
- if mode_int=’nonunif’:
the bounds are sampled so that the size of one of them is uniformly sampled.
The default is ‘unif’.
d (float, optional) – Minimal value of interval size. The default is 0.
- Returns
Attribute smode.
()¶ Set uniform step intervals.
- Returns
Attribute finter, trans.
()¶ Show the parameters of the function.
Coordinates (coordinates)¶
(N=- 1)¶ Bases:
This class handles a set of coordinates in the plane.
Coordinates are pairs (x, y) of integers referring to a plane position (x / N, y / N). Set of coordinates can either be on a uniform grid or at arbitrary positions.
A uniform grid is defined as \([\![1, N]\!] \times [\![1, N]\!]\). It can also be signed, in which case it is of the form \([\![1, N]\!] \times [\![-N, N]\!]\).
- Example
Define and display a grid of size 10 x 10.
from afbf import coordinates coord = coordinates(10) coord.Display(1)
- Parameters
xy (ndarray of shape (ncoord, 2)) – set of Cartesian coordinates; xy[m, :] are the mth coordinates.
N (int) – Factor to be applied to coordinates.
Nx (int) – Grid dimension: number of x coordinates.
Ny (int) – Grid dimension: number of y coordinates.
grid (bool) – True if grid coordinates.
Constructor method.
- Parameters
N (int, optional If a grid is to be created, set N to a positive integer.) – The size of the grid. Default to -1.
(A)¶ Apply an affine transform A to coordinates.
Given a matrix \(A\) of shape (2, 2) and coordinates \((x, y)\), the transform is defined as
\[(\tilde x, \tilde y) = (x, y) A.\]- Parameters
A (ndarray) – An array of shape (2, 2) of type int defining the affine transform.
- Returns
Attributes xy.
- Example
Apply an affine transform to a uniform grid.
from afbf import coordinates from numpy import array coord = coordinates(10) coord.Display(1) A = array([[1, 3], [2, 1]], dtype=int) coord.ApplyAffineTransform(A) coord.Display(2)
()¶ Check the validity of coordinates.
- Returns
True if attributes are properly defined, and false otherwise.
- Return type
(xy)¶ Import a set of positions provided in an array.
- Parameters
xy (ndarray) – An array of size (ncoord, 2) containing coordinates: xy[m, :] are the mth coordinates.
- Returns
Attributes xy, M, N, grid.
- Example
Define coordinates at some given positions.
from afbf import coordinates from numpy import array xy = array([[1, 2], [3, 4], [-2, 2], [5, 6]], dtype=int) coord = coordinates() coord.DefineNoneUniformLocations(xy)
(N, step=1, signed=False)¶ Define a uniform grid.
- Parameters
N (int) – number of x- and y- coordinates.
step (int, optional) – step between grid points. Default to 1.
signed (boolean, optional) – True if the grid is to be signed.
- Returns
Attributes xy, N, Nx, Ny, grid.
(nfig=1)¶ Display the positions given by coordinates.
- Parameters
nfig (int, optional) – The index of the figure. Default to 1.
Spatial data (sdata)¶
(coord=None, name='undefined')¶ Bases:
This class handles spatial data.
Spatial data includes but are not restricted to images. Images are particular spatial data defined on a uniform grid.
- Parameters
coord (coordinates) – Coordinates where data are defined.
values (ndarray) – Spatial values observed at each position of coord; values[m] is the value observed at position coord[m, :].
:param ndarray M: size of the image (number of rows, columns).
- Parameters
name (str, optional) – Name of data. Default to ‘undefined’.
Contructor method.
- Parameters
coord (coordinates) – A set of coordinates where the data is defined. The default is None.
name (str, optional) – Name.
- Returns
Attributes values, coord, name.
(lags)¶ Compute the empirical semi-variogram of an image.
- Parameters
lags (coordinates) – Lags at which to compute quadratic variations.
- Returns
The semi-variogram.
- Return type
This method only applies to an image.
(hx, hy, order=0)¶ Compute increments of an image.
Given some lags \((h_x, h_y)\) and an order \(J\), increments \(Z\) of order \(J\) of the image form an image defined in a recursive way by
\[\begin{split}\left\{ \begin{array}{l} X^{(0)} = X, \\ X^{(j+1)} [x, y] = X^{(j)}[x, y] - X^{(j)}[x - h_x, y - h_y], \:\: \mathrm{for} \:\: j = 0, \cdots, J, \\ Z = X^{(J+1)}. \end{array}\right.\end{split}\]- Parameters
hx, hy (int) – Horizontal and vertical lags.
order (int) – Order of the increment. The default value is 0.
- Returns
The increment image.
- Return type
(scale=1)¶ Compute the discrete laplacian of an image.
Given some scale \(s\), the Laplacian \(Z\) of the image is an image defined as
\[Z[x, y] = 4 X[x, y]-X[x-s, y]-X[x+s, y]- X[x, y-s] - X[x, y+s].\]- Parameters
scale (int , optional) – Scale at which the Laplacian is computed. Default to 1.
- Returns
The image Laplacian.
- Return type
(lags, order=0)¶ Compute the quadratic variations of an image.
- Parameters
lags (coordinates) – Lags at which to compute quadratic variations.
- Aram order
The order of the quadratic variations. The default is 0.
- Returns
Quadratic variations.
- Return type
This method only applies to an image.
(M)¶ Create an image.
- Parameters
M (ndarray) – An array of size 2 giving the number of rows and columns of the matrix.
- Returns
Attribute coord.
(nfig=1)¶ Display an image.
- Parameters
nfig (int, optional) – Figure index. Default to 1.
Process (process)¶
(type='fbm', param=- 1)¶ Bases:
This class handles random processes, with a focus on fractional Brownian motions (FBM).
A FBM is a Gaussian random process with stationary increments. Its properties (regularity, order of self-similarity, …) are determined by a single parameter \(H \in (0, 1)\), called the Hurst index.
- Example
Simulation of a FBF with Hurst index \(H=0.2\) at times \(\{1, \cdots, T\}\).
from afbf import process model = process('fbm', param=0.2) model.Simulate(T=1000) model.Display(1)
:param ndarray autocov: The autocovariance of the process.
:param ndarray spect: The Fourier spectrum of the autocovariance.
:param ndarray vario: The semi-variogram of the process.
:param ndarray y: The values of a simulation of the process.
Constructor method.
- Parameters
type (str, optional) – Type of processes (“fbm”). The default is ‘fbm’, the only process implemented in this package version.
param (float or ndarray, optional) – Parameters of the process. The default is -1, meaning that it is uniformly sampled.
(T=10)¶ - Compute the autocovariance of the process increments
at uniformly-spaced lags \(\{0, 1, \cdots, T\}\).
- Parameters
T (int) – The maximal lag. Default is 10.
- Returns
Attribute autocov.
()¶ Compute the Fourier spectrum of the periodized autocovariance.
- Returns
Attribute spect.
(T)¶ Compute the autocovariance of the increments of a fractional Brownian motion of Hurst index \(H\) at uniformly-spaced lags \(\{0, 1, \cdots, T-1 \}\).
- Parameters
T (int) – The maximal lag.
- Returns
Attribute autocov.
(lags, logvario=0)¶ Compute the semi-variogram of the fbm at lags given in lags.
:param ndarray lags: Lags where to compute the variogram. :param logvario: if logvario>0, a log semi-variogram is computed.
The default is 0.
- Returns
Attribute vario.
(lags, logvario=0)¶ Compute the semi-variogram of the process at lags given in lags.
:param ndarray lags: Lags where to compute the variogram.
- Parameters
logvario (int, optional) – if logvario>0, a log semi-variogram is computed. The default is 0.
- Returns
Attribute vario.
(nfig=1)¶ Display the realization of the process.
- Parameters
nfig (int, optional) – Figure index. The default is 1.
(M=5)¶ Extend the definition of a FBM to a non self-similar process.
- Parameters
M (int, optional) – The number of parameters used for defining the extension function. The default is 5.
- Example
Simulation of an extended FBF with Hurst index \(H=0.2\) at times \(\{1, \cdots, T\}\).
from afbf import process model = process('fbm', param=0.2) model.ExtendFBM() model.Simulate(T=1000) model.Display(1)
(order)¶ Integrate the process at a given order.
- Parameters
order (int) – The order of integration.
- Returns
Attribute y.
(T)¶ - Simulate the process at uniformly-spaced positions
\(\{0, 1, \cdots, T\}\).
- Parameters
T (int) – The maximal lag.
- Returns
Attribute y.
(T)¶ Simulate process increments at positions \(\{0, 1, \cdots, T\}\).
The method was developed by Wood and Chan. It is described in [16].
- Parameters
T (int) – The maximal lag.
- Returns
Attribute y.
Turning bands (tbparameters)¶
(K=500)¶ Bases:
This class handles parameters of the turning band field.
- Parameters
K (int) – the number of bands.
Kangle (ndarray) –
Angles of the turning bands. The tangent of each angle \(\varphi\) have a tangent which satisfies
\[\tan(\varphi) = \frac{p}{q},\]for some \(p \in \mathbb{Z}\) and \(q \in \mathbb{N}^*\).
Pangle (ndarray) – Denominators \(q\) of angle tangents.
Qangle (ndarray) – Numerators \(p\) of angle tangents.
cost (scalar) – Angle cost (dynamic programming).
acc (scalar) – Precision (dynamic programming).
Constructor method.
- Parameters
K (int, optional) – An approximate number of turning bands. The default is 500.
This parameter determines the simulation accuracy which is about \(\frac{\pi}{K}\) (in radians).
()¶ Display information about simulation.
(N=500)¶ Compute a set of optimal angles by dynamic programming.
- Parameters
N (scalar) – The expected precision. if \(N < 1\), the precision is set to N else the precision (in radians) is set to \(\frac{pi}{N}\).
- Returns
Attributes Kangle, Pangle, Qangle.
The dynamic programming algorithm finds an optimal subset \(S'\) of angles among a set \(\Phi\) of possible angles whose tangents are rational. :math:`Phi`is a subset of
\[\{\varphi \in [-\pi/2,\pi/2], \tan(\varphi)=p/q, p \in \mathbb{Z}, q \in \mathbb{N}^\ast, p \wedge q=1\}.\]A cost \(C(\varphi)=\vert q \vert+p\) is associated to each angle \(\varphi\).
The optimal subset \(\Phi'\) minimizes \(\sum_{\varphi \in \Phi'} C(\varphi)\) under the constraint that the difference between two successive angles are below a given precision.
()¶ Compute the precision of the turning bands.
(K=100000)¶ Build a set of K angles which are approximately uniform on the interval \([-\frac{\pi}{2},\frac{\pi}{2}]\).
- Parameters
K (int, optional) – A number of angles. The default is 100000.
- Returns
Attributes Kangle, Pangle, Qangle.
()¶ Compute the computational cost associated to the turning bands.
¶ - ndarray(shape, dtype=float, buffer=None, offset=0,
strides=None, order=None)
An array object represents a multidimensional, homogeneous array of fixed-size items. An associated data-type object describes the format of each element in the array (its byte-order, how many bytes it occupies in memory, whether it is an integer, a floating point number, or something else, etc.)
Arrays should be constructed using array, zeros or empty (refer to the See Also section below). The parameters given here refer to a low-level method (ndarray(…)) for instantiating an array.
For more information, refer to the numpy module and examine the methods and attributes of an array.
(for the __new__ method; see Notes below)
- shapetuple of ints
Shape of created array.
- dtypedata-type, optional
Any object that can be interpreted as a numpy data type.
- bufferobject exposing buffer interface, optional
Used to fill the array with data.
- offsetint, optional
Offset of array data in buffer.
- stridestuple of ints, optional
Strides of data in memory.
- order{‘C’, ‘F’}, optional
Row-major (C-style) or column-major (Fortran-style) order.
- Tndarray
Transpose of the array.
- databuffer
The array’s elements, in memory.
- dtypedtype object
Describes the format of the elements in the array.
- flagsdict
Dictionary containing information related to memory use, e.g., ‘C_CONTIGUOUS’, ‘OWNDATA’, ‘WRITEABLE’, etc.
- flatnumpy.flatiter object
Flattened version of the array as an iterator. The iterator allows assignments, e.g.,
x.flat = 3
(See ndarray.flat for assignment examples; TODO).- imagndarray
Imaginary part of the array.
- realndarray
Real part of the array.
- sizeint
Number of elements in the array.
- itemsizeint
The memory use of each array element in bytes.
- nbytesint
The total number of bytes required to store the array data, i.e.,
itemsize * size
.- ndimint
The array’s number of dimensions.
- shapetuple of ints
Shape of the array.
- stridestuple of ints
The step-size required to move from one element to the next in memory. For example, a contiguous
(3, 4)
array of typeint16
in C-order has strides(8, 2)
. This implies that to move from element to element in memory requires jumps of 2 bytes. To move from row-to-row, one needs to jump 8 bytes at a time (2 * 4
).- ctypesctypes object
Class containing properties of the array needed for interaction with ctypes.
- basendarray
If the array is a view into another array, that array is its base (unless that array is also a view). The base array is where the array data is actually stored.
array : Construct an array. zeros : Create an array, each element of which is zero. empty : Create an array, but leave its allocated memory unchanged (i.e.,
it contains “garbage”).
dtype : Create a data-type.
There are two modes of creating an array using
:If buffer is None, then only shape, dtype, and order are used.
If buffer is an object exposing the buffer interface, then all keywords are interpreted.
method is needed because the array is fully initialized after the__new__
method.These examples illustrate the low-level ndarray constructor. Refer to the See Also section above for easier ways of constructing an ndarray.
First mode, buffer is None:
>>> np.ndarray(shape=(2,2), dtype=float, order='F') array([[0.0e+000, 0.0e+000], # random [ nan, 2.5e-323]])
Second mode:
>>> np.ndarray((2,), buffer=np.array([1,2,3]), ... offset=np.int_().itemsize, ... dtype=int) # offset = 1*itemsize, i.e. skip first element array([2, 3])